The Drink of Presidents - Mountain Valley Water
Valley Headquarters
postcard courtesy of Donna Smith
It is always in the Senate cloakroom. It is carried on Air Force One on official trips. Dwight Eisenhower told a press conference after his heart attack that doctors told him to drink it.
Entertainment celebrities, political leaders, kings and major sports figures have enjoyed Mountain Valley Water, headquartered in Hot Springs. Amazingly, this wonderful water has been served in the White House since the presidency of Calvin Coolidge!
In 1871, a local pharmacist, Peter Greene, purchased a cool spring just north of the city of Hot Springs, and changed the name from Lockett’s Spring to Mountain Valley. For the first 20 years, the water was delivered directly to customers. In 1894, Mountain Valley distribution centers were opened in Philadelphia and New Orleans.
In 1966, a group of distributors led by John G. Scott from New York, acquired the water company. The spring is located in a protective forest preserve 12 miles north of downtown.
The old DeSoto Mineral Springs building, built in 1910, is now the headquarters for the Spring Water enjoyed by presidents for over 75 years.
Interior of DeSoto Mineral
courtesy of Donna Smith
Dr. Rando PhD of Wit
(Info courtesy of the Spring)
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